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In conjunction with World Osteoporosis Day on 20 October, BHAM goes digital in promoting bone health knowledge among Malaysians, and shares the latest findings from its osteoporosis awareness survey 77% of the respondents have the misconception that weak bones and loss of height is part of a natural ageing process¹. Majority of the respondents (96%) are unaware of all the factors that can increase their risk of osteoporosis such as family history, post-menopausal status, low body weight, diet low in calcium, and heavy consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and/or cigarettes1. More than half of the respondents (57%) underestimated the impact of osteoporosis among women1, and are not aware that at least 1 in 3 women over the age of 50 will experience osteoporotic fractures at some time in their lives². KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 18 (Bernama) -- Bone Health Alliance Malaysia (BHAM) unveiled today the results of a bone health and osteoporosis survey assessing the awareness, knowledge, and lifestyle habits among Malaysians. The survey aims to raise awareness about bone health; counter the misconception that osteoporosis is part of a natural ageing process which is untreatable and unpreventable; as well as educate Malaysians on keeping their bones healthy. Based on the survey findings, BHAM is also embarking on the ‘Love Your Bones’ virtual campaign to raise public interest in osteoporosis and increase its recognition as a health priority. The virtual campaign launched in conjunction with World Osteoporosis Day (WOD) on 20 October aims to address the gaps and misconception of bone health knowledge among the high-risk group and their caregivers, while highlighting the importance of a proactive healthy lifestyle to prevent osteoporosis. The Bone Health Alliance Malaysia (BHAM) is a collaborative partnership between Osteoporosis Awareness Society of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor (OASKLS), Fragility Fracture Network Malaysia (FFNM), and Malaysian Osteoporosis Society (MOS), with Amgen Malaysia as a supporting corporate partner. Examining Bone Health Awareness BHAM conducted a survey between September 2020 until July 2021 to evaluate Malaysians’ awareness and knowledge about bone health and osteoporosis, perceptions about the disease, lifestyle habits and behavioural patterns. The survey conducted via offline and online included 807 male and female respondents from a diverse age group of 21-80 years old. 60% of the respondents were above 50 years old. The survey findings revealed that a staggering 96% of respondents who were unaware of all the factors that can increase their risk of osteoporosis1 such as family history, post-menopausal status, low body weight, diet low in calcium, and heavy consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and/or cigarettes³. “Osteoporosis is a silent disease with no symptoms and often goes unnoticed until patients experience a fracture. While you cannot feel your bones get weaker, understanding your risk of developing osteoporosis will help you make informed choices such as initiating regular bone health assessments for those above 60 years old, especially women, for optimal bone health management. We urge those who have loved ones with risk factors for osteoporosis to consider monitoring of their relatives’ bone health by providing guidance and facilitating their bone health assessments,” said Prof Dr Chan Siew Pheng, President of Malaysian Osteoporosis Society & Consultant Endocrinologist. In fact, based on the survey results, 82% of the respondents were unaware that they should start bone health assessments from 60 years old, and 77% respondents have the misconception that poor bone health (fragility fractures and loss of height) is part of a natural ageing process1. This validates the lack of knowledge among Malaysians that osteoporosis can be prevented through proactive lifestyle habits and there are available treatment options to improve outcomes. Bone Health in Malaysia “We carried out this survey to identify the awareness gaps on bone health and osteoporosis among Malaysians. Historically, there is limited data related to osteoporosis in Malaysia, and our survey findings not only contribute towards building the local database of information but has given clarity to guide our awareness efforts tailored to our Malaysian community’s needs,” added Prof Chan. Worldwide, the incidence of osteoporotic fractures is on an increasing trend2. In the local context, it is projected that there would be 3.3 million Malaysians 60 years old and above affected by osteoporosis in 2050⁴. Notably, the survey also discovered that more than half (57%) of the respondents underestimated how common osteoporosis is among women1. “Osteoporosis affects men and women, but women are at increased risk due to lower level of hormones in menopausal stage, with at least 1 in 3 women over the age of 50 who will experience osteoporotic fractures at some time in their lives2. It is important to educate the public on the role of lifestyle modifications through proper nutritional intake and staying active to ensure good bone health, especially among women and older persons,” said Dato’ Dr Lee Joon Kiong, President of Fragility Fracture Network Malaysia & Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon. “Consume a balanced diet, which is not just rich in calcium but also protein, key nutrients for bone health. Vitamin D is another very important nutrient in bone health, which is predominantly obtained from sunlight and in limited amounts from food. Due to the major lifestyle shift experienced due to COVID-19 restricting access to outdoor activities, ensure that you get at least 10-20 minutes of daily exposure to sunlight, an essential source of Vitamin D to strengthen bone health⁵,” emphasised Dato’ Lee. Harnessing Digital Reach to Bridge the Awareness Gap Incorporating the survey insights that digital platforms are Malaysians’ go-to source for health information1, BHAM will be launching a series of digital activities to educate Malaysians about bone health knowledge and spur action. Championing the WOD theme of ‘Love Your Bones’ by International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), the virtual campaign serves to educate patients, caregivers, and the high-risk group on how they can take care of their bone health at all stages of life and address common misconceptions about bone health. “We hope to rally Malaysians together and promote bone health awareness while creating positive behavioural change in bone health management, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Shaping healthy lifestyle habits is crucial to ensuring good bone health and preventing fragility fractures. For example, the fear of falling becomes more common as people age. Prevent falls and fractures during daily activities such as walking or exercising by fall-proofing your home and adopting a fall-prevention strategy,” said Ms Choo Yem Kuen, President of Osteoporosis Awareness Society of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. “Speak to your doctor to understand if you are at risk of osteoporosis, learn more about your symptoms, and identify suitable preventive measures to maintain good bone health. Bone health knowledge and improved understanding of your risk factors will help towards planning your osteoporosis prevention strategy. Don’t wait till it breaks, check your bones,” advised Ms Choo. The upcoming WOD activities on the BHAM Facebook page include ‘WFH: Workout from Home Exercises with BHAM Physiotherapists’ FB Live session, ‘How to Fall-Proof Your Home Guide’, ‘Bone-Healthy Recipes’, and highlights from the BHAM bone health awareness survey. Selected audience members can also win vouchers for a complimentary bone health screening by participating in the virtual activities. Follow BHAM on Facebook and stay tuned to updates here: Download the full press kit with hi-res photos HERE About Bone Health Alliance Malaysia (BHAM) The Bone Health Alliance Malaysia is a collaborative partnership represented by the Osteoporosis Awareness Society of Kuala Lumpur and Selangor (OASKLS), Fragility Fracture Network Malaysia (FFNM), and Malaysian Osteoporosis Society (MOS). Amgen Malaysia is the Supporting Corporate Partner. The partnership is forged to pave way for bone health promotion among local communities, meaningful stakeholder engagement, as well as enhanced treatment and diagnosis with the purpose of improving patient outcomes. Ultimately, the Bone Health Alliance Malaysia aims to instil routine bone health screening for those aged 60 years old and above, and to facilitate timely diagnosis and treatment in the Malaysian healthcare system. Since most patients only found out they have osteoporosis upon a fracture, the alliance is raising awareness through the slogan of ‘Don’t Wait ‘Till It Breaks, Check Your Bones’. Follow the official Facebook page at

¹ Bone Health and Osteoporosis Awareness Survey by Bone Health Alliance Malaysia. July 2021. ² International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF). Epidemiology Of Osteoporosis and Fragility Fractures. Retrieved from: ³ IOF. Risk Factors. Retrieved from: Mafauzy M. The problems and challenges of the aging population of Malaysia. Malays J Med Sci. 2000;7(1):1-3. ⁵ IOF. Vitamin D. Retrieved from: SOURCE : Hexa-Communications



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