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ALR Technologies unveils select results from market research on diabetic pet industry

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 22 -- ALR Technologies (ALRT or the Company), the diabetes management company, has released select results from comprehensive market research conducted by the consulting firm SmartPharma, evaluating the current approach to diabetes diagnosis, glucose monitoring and insulin treatment in cats and dogs.

The conclusions speak strongly about the market demand for innovation to modernise the arcane standard of care today, which ALRT interprets as highly favourable for introducing the GluCurve™ Pet CGM (continuous glucose monitoring) as a simple, accurate, reliable and pain-free system to treat the approximately 4.5 million diabetic dogs and cats worldwide.

GluCurve™ is the world’s first and only CGM for cats and dogs. Once applied to the pet, it automatically collects blood glucose readings every five minutes for up to 14 days, according to a statement.

Over the course of 24 hours, 288 data points are transmitted via Bluetooth to the pet owner’s synchronised device and then to the ALRT portal where the data is analysed and presented to the veterinarian to quickly and effortlessly facilitate optimal care.

“The market research included veterinarians from across the United States and ranged from small private practices to large corporate clinics, and the responses were simply fantastic, as they validated our contention that GluCurve™ would fill a large void in animal health care,” said ALR Technologies Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Sidney Chan.

SmartPharma was commissioned for, amongst other things, the purpose of gaining preliminary product concept for the GluCurve™ Pet CGM.

This includes the evaluation of attribute tradeoffs that could increase or decrease utility and use, as well as determining expected uptake and ongoing use of a novel CGM product designed specifically for DVM (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine) use in cats and dogs.

Four Key Takeaways from Market Research include large market opportunity; multiple factors driving high interest from DVMs for GluCurve; and, DVMS surveyed had overwhelmingly favourable impression of GluCurve product.

Leveraging leading technology developed by ALRT for monitoring and managing diabetes in humans, including all requisite hardware and software to consistently deliver accurate results, GluCurve is redefining the standard of care in diabetic companion animals by providing precise and effortless glucose readings while the pet is in the comfort of their home.




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