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PTC joins A*STAR's Industrial Internet-of-Things Innovation (I3) programme

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 2 -- PTC Japan K.K. has recently announced that its US-based parent company, PTC Inc, the digital transformation (DX) company has joined as a strategic member in the Industrial Internet-of-Things Innovation (I3) programme of the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) of Singapore.

This is in collaboration to embark on and enhance the deployment of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and DX in the Singapore market, according to a statement.

At PTC's demonstration booth at A*STAR's I3 Nexus technology showcase, the collaboration provides the platform space for organisations to start their DX projects and digital roadmap planning.

The I3 programme is an industry-driven initiative by A*STAR that brings together best-in-class global and local companies with R&D capabilities in Singapore to leverage IIoT research to develop industry-ready solutions.

Such strategic public-private collaboration provides PTC the avenue to embark on its Industry 4.0 initiatives quickly and effectively by bringing together the domain expertise and vast use cases from across Singapore's R&D ecosystem.

VP, IoT/AR Sales & Strategic Alliances, PTC APAC, Lau Shaw Luen said: "I am very excited to be onboard with A*STAR. I believe our collaboration would bring about new synergies between industry partners and provide enterprises the latest innovations that can benefit their day-to-day operations.”

The collaboration will bring a clear value proposition and ROI to customers' DX roadmaps through cross-learning from different sectors PTC has worked in, use-case workshops to derive financial impact calculations, and the pooled research resources from I3.

The collaboration also allows customers to benefit from the early co-development of technologies and test-bedding solutions executed with PTC, whereby PTC provides digital innovation solutions to enable clients' DX roadmaps.

More details at


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