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MSCI upgrades GTJAI’s ESG rating to reflect excellent ESG management performance

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 29 (Bernama) -- Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) has upgraded the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) rating of Guotai Junan International Holdings Limited (GTJAI) to "BBB", a leading rating for securities firms in Hong Kong, referring to its excellent ESG management performance.

MSCI, an international authoritative indexing organisation in its latest annual ESG rating stated that GTJAI’s improved responsible investment practices and strengthened ethics policies are the primary drivers of the upgrade.

In the assessment of the overall strengths of GTJAI, MSCI said the company leads global peers in corporate governance and in business ethics framework.

GTJAI’s fully independent audit committee helps provide financial and risk control oversight. In addition, the company has a disclosure of its anti-corruption policies and a whistleblowing mechanism.

According to a statement, GTJAI has expanded its involvement in underwriting green/sustainable bonds, which amounted to US$10.9 billion (US$1=RM4.50) as of 2021.

ESG performance of listed companies around the world is increasingly valued by financial regulations and international investors. High ESG ratings reflect stronger business management and corporate governance.

With ESG-oriented investments becoming an important investment strategy in global financial markets, ESG ratings have become an important basis for measuring the value of investments in listed companies in the international market.

The upgraded rating is a high recognition and full acknowledgment of GTJAl's ESG management achievements by international authorities and the international capital market.

In the future, GTJAI will continue to strengthen the implementation of its sustainable development strategy, and increase investment in environmental protection (including the impact of climate change), corporate governance, employee care, and social contribution.



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