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INNIO Waukesha to receive fund for emissions reduction technology demonstration project

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 22 -- INNIO Waukesha Gas Engines announced that it has been selected to receive more than US$2.2 million in funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). (US$1 = RM4.205)

The funding is part of ARPA-E’s “Reducing Emissions of Methane Every Day of the Year” (REMEDY) programme that was unveiled earlier this year.

According to a statement, the programme aims to reduce emissions in the oil, gas, and coal industries and promote innovation and manufacturing of new technologies to achieve climate goals.

In support of the United States’ emissions reduction plans announced at the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), ARPA-E announced 12 funding awards totaling US$35 million to develop and demonstrate technologies aimed at cutting greenhouse gas emissions in the oil, gas, and coal sectors.

INNIO Waukesha received funding for its proposed project that is focused on developing a new line of pistons.

“We believe a critical path to a cleaner energy future is providing carbon reducing enhancements for installed assets that will lead to an extended life and investment security,” said president and chief executive officer of INNIO, Dr Olaf Berlien.

“We are pleased that ARPA-E has recognised that our carbon reduction research may yield an impactful carbon reduction approach for both new and installed engines everywhere.”

INNIO Waukesha’s REMEDY funding will be spread across two stages of the programme over three years.

Stage 1 is planned to focus on lab-based tests confirming the operability of technical proposals, approaches, and system component, while Stage 2 will expand the scale of testing, and ideally include field tests. The new technology aims to meet the REMEDY goal of 99.5 per cent Methane destruction.

More details at



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