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Decarbonising Australia's Mining Sector Beyond Renewables highlighted in Black & Veatch eBook

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 1 (Bernama) -- Integrating mining infrastructure solutions across power, water and other critical technologies provides Australia’s mining industry with opportunities to overcome sustainability challenges at every stage of the mining process.

Global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company, Black & Veatch in its new eBook, titled “Beyond Renewables: Impactful Decarbonisation of Australia’s Mining Sector”, examines emerging opportunities and provides insights into decarbonising the country’s mining operations.

“Decarbonisation strategies require the long view. When planning phases span decades, it is important to avoid the consequences of getting locked into path dependency or stranded assets by having a clear understanding of technology maturity and cost.

“We provide this clarity through our deployment of a diverse range of technologies, combined with our objective assessment of the maturity of emerging technologies,” said Mick Scrivens, Black & Veatch vice president, director, Australia Pacific, in a statement.

The eBook acknowledges that while mining companies have made substantial progress in recent years, many with long-established sustainability programmes, opportunities have emerged to accelerate the impact of their decarbonisation efforts.

In the eBook, Black & Veatch’s water and energy experts propose that developing robust decarbonisation roadmaps will help mining companies manage and understand limited budgets, technology timelines and complex regulations over potentially a 30-year span, a timeframe similar to making major infrastructure investments.

Decarbonisation roadmaps will help mining companies evaluate competing commercially-ready and emerging technologies, and present a de-risked pathway to zero emissions.

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