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Dawex Data Exchange technology tackles European Data Act future principles

KUALA LUMPUR, March 18 -- With more than 80 per cent of industrial data remaining unused, the Data Act calls for the need of fundamental measures to regulate data circulation to make data more accessible for all.

Granting consumers and companies the control over who accesses their data, for what purpose, is a pillar principle to future measures to unlock the richness of industrial data and build a regulated, fair European data economy.

Dawex Data Exchange technology awards platform orchestrators the capability to keep control over the circulation of data through a secure, trusted data sharing and data exchange environment ensuring visibility of which data is being used, for which usage, under which terms.

In today’s economy where data has become a product with its own value, not limited to its usage, and the source of new revenue streams, Dawex technology allows organisations to create and gather new ecosystems around data exchange platforms that meet regulatory frameworks and addresses traceability and security challenges.

Dawex is the leading technology company for data exchange, data marketplace and data hub, whose mission is to facilitate and accelerate secure data circulation between all economic stakeholders.

As the European Data Act stresses the critical importance of industrial data circulation to foster European data-driven innovation, Dawex technology has demonstrated its operational and business value in more than 20 sectors such as agriculture, space, retail, agrifood, automotive, infrastructure and tourism, among others.

The future Data Act is designed to harmonise rules on the fair access to and use of data generated in the EU across all economic sectors.

“The Data Act’s ambition is to ensure a fair and innovative European data economy by making data more available for reuse to stimulate data-driven innovation,” said Laurent Lafaye, co-CEO at Dawex in a statement.

“Since its inception, Dawex has been committed to delivering cutting-edge data exchange technology to bring the perfect conditions for secure and compliant data sharing. Dawex Data Exchange solutions are already aligned to what the Data Act proposes.”

Available in white label, Dawex Data Exchange, Data Hub and Data Marketplace solutions are today the only solutions on the market to offer such easy, efficient and highly secure data exchange capabilities.



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