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AM Best presents insurance market review next week at SIRC 2020 Re-Mind

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 27 -- AM Best’s Insurance Market Briefing - SIRC will explore the state of the Asia-Pacific and global (re)insurance markets on Nov 4, as part of the Singapore International Reinsurance Conference’s (SIRC) 2020 Re-Mind event.

The global credit rating agency in a statement said, the online webinar would give attendees an opportunity to hear (re)insurance market insight and opinion from a panel of senior executives and analytical leaders from AM Best’s international offices.

AM Best currently maintains a stable market segment outlook on the global reinsurance industry despite the COVID-19 pandemic, whereby the webinar will explore the pandemic’s ongoing impacts to the sector.

Discussion topics include a review of the region’s (re)insurance markets and emerging trends, and will conclude with a Q&A session. The 90-minute event begins 10am (SGT).

Panellists for the Asia-Pacific market briefing include Greg Carter, managing director, analytics – EMEA & Asia Pacific; Carlos Wong-Fupuy, senior director, global reinsurance ratings; Christie Lee, senior director, analytics – Northeast Asia; and, Myles Gould, director, analytics – Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

The online conference will run from Nov 2 to 5, in place of the annual in-person event with AM Best, a contributing partner to the event.

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