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2021 Indiaspora Government Leaders List honours over 200 public officials of Indian heritage

KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 16 -- Indiaspora recently released a list, recognising public officials of the Indian diaspora who are leaders in their countries’ governments.

According to a statement, Indiaspora is a non-profit community of global Indian diaspora leaders from various backgrounds and professions.

Drawing from government websites and other publicly available resources, the 2021 Indiaspora Government Leaders List recognises over 200 leaders of Indian heritage.

The leaders have ascended to the highest echelons of public service in 15 countries, with more than 60 of these leaders holding Cabinet positions.

The List also includes diplomats, legislators, heads of central banks and senior civil servants from countries with significant histories of diaspora migration, such as Australia, Canada, Singapore, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States (US).

With more than 32 million people of Indian origin globally, according to India’s Ministry of External Affairs, Indians are the world’s largest diaspora population.

The officials on the 2021 Indiaspora Government Leaders List collectively represent more than 587 million constituents, and their countries account for an estimated US$28 trillion in GDP, demonstrating the impact that these leaders are having globally. (US$1 = RM4.030)

The List includes immigrants from India, as well as professionals born in countries such as Singapore, South Africa, England, Canada and the US.



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