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KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 1 (Bernama) -- Budget 2022 which focuses on the Malaysian family during these complicated times strives to be all inclusive to cater to the needs of Malaysians of all walks of life and as a relief from the impacts of the pandemic. MFPC wishes to highlight the following pertinent ways an individual can enhance their financial well-being by considering some of the measures announced particularly under the first objective of the budget- Rakyat’s well-being.

Direct Financial Assistance – Cash aid under Bantuan Keluarga Malaysia (BKM) must be utilized by an individual and household by being prudent and frugal. The pandemic has sent a clear message that the savings threshold of Malaysians is low. Malaysians must be reminded of the need to allocate a portion of their earnings to their savings fund. Based on World Bank Data, Malaysians saving rate was at 26.12% (% of GDP) in the year 2020. The personal savings rate is the clearest sign of an individual’s financial health and one must be made aware of protecting their financial nest to attain financial well-being starts with better savings behaviour.

Financial well-being is the most important component of well-being. Thus, assistance through JaminKerja for example will reset employment income for the many who have been out of jobs due to the pandemic.

Tax Relief’s- The intention of the Government in providing tax relief for upskilling programmes which also includes our Registered Financial Planner/ Shariah Registered Financial Planner programmes augurs well of financial planning as a key life skill for Malaysians of all walks of life. A programme on financial planning will help prospective participants learn how to manage their finances better. The tax relief measure to undertake the study of the programme will be further encouragement for individuals and employers. Interestingly, the Council’s basic free financial literacy programme- My Money and Me and our other professional programmes saw stronger enrolment numbers during the pandemic, which indicated that a higher degree of awareness on the need for better financial management was an after effect of the pandemic.

Retirement Savings – The withdrawal options which had to be made available during the pandemic as many Malaysians suffered with everyday living needs challenges has further caused a strain on individuals retirement threshold. As such the widening of the scheme to include Gig economy workers is something we view very positively. In addition, theprolonging of the tax exemption of RM 3000 for the Private Retirement Scheme until the year 2025 helps an individual save for their retirement and be rewarded by a yearly tax-deductible amount. The effect of compounding interest will ensure an individual would be able to have a more comfortable retirement. We advocate that Malaysians who have made such withdrawals from their retirement kitty during the pandemic replenish their savings rate by opting for voluntary replenishment (up to RM60,000 is permitted per year) as the normalcy of their income returns.. This actionable solution will help an individual’s longer-term financial well-being. The Retirement Advisory Service (RAS) is available at all EPF branches, by individuals holding the RFP/Shariah RFP designation with the intention of advising individuals on the best approach on their retirement savings -

The Government’s decision to prolong the reduction of EPF Contribution Rate from 11% to 9% is intended for a certain segment of rakyat who are still facing a reduction of income. However, financial well-being can best happen in an individual’s life through the optimization of resources. In this regard, retirement savings under the EPF can be invested through Members Investment Scheme (MIS) for potentially higher returns, one of the ways of replenishment of an individual’s retirement savings rate. Financial literacy is a combination of financial knowledge, awareness and skills. Key to achieving financial well-being is to be equipped with the know-how of money management which is seriously lacking in the lives of the rakyat. As an individual’s financial behaviour will be key in determining financial well-being, we urge all Malaysians to take the necessary steps in planning their finances. In our quest to help all members of the Malaysian family to manage their personal financial affairs, we regularly have scheduled free basic financial literary sessions as well as Masterclasses. Our next session is on 13th November 2021, a collaborative session with Bank Negara Malaysia, Securities Commission Malaysia and other agencies. To sign up, please visit



Malaysian Financial Planning Council (MFPC)

MFPC is an independent body set up with the noble objective of promoting nationwide development and enhancement of the financial planning profession. MFPC provides an evolving set of Best Practice Standards and Code of Ethics that must be adhered to by Registered Financial Planner (RFP) and Shariah RFP designees. This requirement is aimed at ensuring that the public will be served with the highest quality of financial planning services. MFPC was registered on 10th of March, 2004 under the Societies Act, 1996. The Registered Financial Planner (RFP) programme was launched by the former Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia, Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Dr. Zeti Akhtar Aziz in November 2002.

The RFP designation was approved by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) as the prerequisite qualification to apply for the Financial Advisers’ License and Financial Advisers’ Representative License. RFP designation was also approved by Securities Commission Malaysia for the application of the Capital Markets Services License (CMSL) in view of the introduction of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007.

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SOURCE : Malaysian Financial Planning Council


Name : Syed Mohd Khalil

External Relations, Research & Publication

Malaysian Financial Planning Council

Tel : +603 6203 5899/ 012-6666 246



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