KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 2 -- Seedland Group has applied Hachi Auto, an autonomous vehicle for smart communities, in one of the Seedland communities, ‘Boston Ivy’, becoming the first to bring UGV into residential communities in China.
In a statement, the Guangzhou-based company said Hachi Auto was powered by LiDAR and vision technology, multi-sensor fusion algorithms, 3D obstacle detection and speed estimation.
Battery-powered with no carbon emission, the vehicle can accurately move forward and backward, and turn around in the operating environment and automatically calculate the avoidance path without human intervention.
It can also adapt to different weather conditions like rainy, foggy and windy days. The vehicle has a powerful positioning algorithm with an accuracy of 2-5cm, keeping it from being affected by the GPS signal instability between community buildings.
Being connected with the Smart Life System of the Seedland communities, it forms an advanced community intelligent cooperative transportation network in China.
As the Smart Life System works round-the-clock, vehicles can be monitored in real time to facilitate maintenance and management, as well as order receiving and dynamic route planning and adjusting.
Hachi Auto can ferry three people simultaneously and provides great riding experience with comfortable ergonomic design, comprehensive coverage of sensors, processors and other components.