KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 25 -- From elite athletes to medical patients, the therapeutic Kinesio Taping has been a boon.
While more than 40 years ago, Dr Kenzo Kase® invented the tape, there is now the Kinesio Tape for Canine designed to produce therapeutic benefits through the dog’s hair follicles, without the need for shaving.
According to a statement, the canine-specific attributes of this tape and taping patterns address a dog’s physiology. Kinesio Tape for Canine can be used on its own or with complimentary therapies to assist in rehabilitation or to address postural changes or musculoskeletal issues.
“Most of us at Kinesio are dog owners or dog lovers. As users and beneficiaries of taping on ourselves, we wondered how this might also benefit our canine friends and have been thrilled to discover and develop an entire methodology that can produce sometimes dramatically positive outcomes,” said Kinesio Vice-President Elisa Kase.
Kinesio Tape for Canine uses 100 per cent cotton fabric and 100 per cent medical grade adhesive. Once applied, the tape can remain on the dogs 24 hours a day from two to five days.
Kinesio canine care is also integrated with a companion book and an innovative online workshop. The book and the Kinesio Canine Tape is now available globally through Kinesio’s network of International Distribution Partners in over 40 countries.
Kinesio Holding Corporation is a US-based manufacturer of unique therapeutic tapes sold globally.