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Hong Kong, Singapore establish bilateral Air Travel Bubble - HKTB

Updated: Oct 22, 2020

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 20 -- Hong Kong and Singapore have reached an in-principle agreement to establish a bilateral Air Travel Bubble, reviving cross-border air travel in a safe and progressive way.

In conjunction with the announcement and to inspire visitors to explore Hong Kong from all angles, the Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) has launched 360 Hong Kong Moments.

It is the city’s opening up virtually by way of wholesome and immersive content, designed to remind the world what a wonderful and all-encompassing destination Hong Kong is.

The first in the series of 360 Hong Kong Moments is a 360-degree virtual-reality film, created especially for this year’s Great Outdoors Hong Kong campaign. 

The VR adventure takes viewers on an immersive journey across Hong Kong’s surprisingly easy-to-access green territory.

According to HKTB chairman Dr YK Pang in a statement, the board hopes the ongoing series of 360 Hong Kong Moments will keep their destination brand alive and ensure that the city stays top-of-mind for people worldwide before other travel bubbles are formed.

Hong Kong and Singapore are major aviation hubs, and the international air route between the two cities was among the busiest in the Asia-Pacific region before the pandemic. 

Watch the HKTB’s 360-degree VR film at


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